The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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The namespace could be mentioned more prominently in the guidelines #1698

Open funkyfuture opened 6 years ago

funkyfuture commented 6 years ago

unless i'm missing something, the TEI namespace (http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0) is somewhat underepresented in the guidelines.

given the cirumstance that there's only that one namespace, i see the need for such explicit statement, as using http://www.tei-c.org/P5/3.2.0 or something similar might be a choice of intuition.

bansp commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to see a short section listing all the TEI namespaces (plus namespaces more or less directly used/tolerated by the Guidelines and by their infrastructure [read: nvdl and Stylesheets]) with a bit of explanation for each. In terms of narrative chronology (so to say), ch. 22 deserves to at least reference that section, while in terms of the technical apparatus, probably ch. 23 should contain it.

scstanley7 commented 6 years ago

Subgroup recommends Ch. 1 for introduction to namespaces (with ref to 23.4.4), as well as references in Ch. 22 and 23. I will do this part.

We also suggest making an appendix with an exhaustive list of all namespaces, as we do for elements/attributes, but that's something that we would need to accomplish at a later date after we've gotten more input.

sydb commented 6 years ago

I think @funkyfuture is completely correct, namespace(s) are not prominent enough in the Guidelines. I am mildly suspicious about the recommendation to put a short introduction in “Appendix C, Elements”. But certainly we should not put that discussion in “Appendix D Attributes”, as it is about attributes which are not in the TEI namespace. (An attribute does not inherit the namespace of its parent element — unless you explicitly specify a namespace, it is in no namespace.)

But there is more than one. There are at least 5 of importance to TEI work:

  1. TEI: http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0, obviously
  2. TEI examples: http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples, for examples
  3. Schematron: http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron, for expressing Schematron constraints in your ODDs (note: TEI no longer supports use of the old http://www.ascc.net/xml/schematron namespace for Schematron)
  4. RELAX NG: http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0, for expressing content models in RELAX NG in your ODDs — not used much anymore now that we have PureODD.
  5. TEI functions and temporary element used in XSLT, a namespace we have not actually created yet but will be important to those who work with the TEI Stylesheets.

And it’s an interesting question as to whether the Guidelines should also mention the namespaces for SVG and MML and other namespaces likely to be used in a TEI document. I was the one who suggested an appendix, but if there half-a-dozen or fewer, it may be overkill.

ebeshero commented 4 years ago

Council at F2F recommends creating a new appendix to list all the namespaces used in the TEI Guidelines with brief description of each. (Don't disrupt current sequence of the appendices.) Also, update discussion of namespaces in Chs. 1 (ST) , 22 (TD), and 23(USE).

ebeshero commented 4 years ago

Which appendix: Don't interrupt A - F. Place it before deprecation, etc.

sydb commented 1 year ago

There are a lot of namespaces in P5. See the chart (generated by P5/Utilities/namespaces.xslt). Just sayin’.

There are 21 separate namespaces (1st, blue table); there are 29 separate namespace-prefix combinations (2nd, green table).