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`<person>` should be a member of att.typed #2180

Open martindholmes opened 3 years ago

martindholmes commented 3 years ago

Just like <org> and <place>, person should be a member of att.typed; this would enable type to be distinguished from role, and also enable us to avoid the tendency to add @type and @subtype to name or persName elements to get around the absence of it. Although <listPerson> can be used to organize people by type, that is ungainly when you have many combinations of @type and @subtype.

sydb commented 3 years ago

Leaving this unassigned for now, with intent to assign to either @bleekere or @sabineseifert in Jan 22.

To just do what this ticket asks (add <person> to att.typed) is easy. But there should probably be discussion of

plus an example or two.

duncdrum commented 2 years ago

adapted from https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ND.html#NDPERSE as I was just trying to do just that and realized no person@type

  <person xml:id="person_FAS" type="fictional" role="attorney">
   <persName>Adam Schiff</persName>
   <note>District Attorney for <placeName>Manhattan</placeName> in
       seasons 1 to 10 of <title>Law and Order</title>.</note>
sabineseifert commented 2 years ago

Here is an example with @type and @role on <person> to showcase and discuss possible usage and differences:

<listPerson type="fictional">
   <person type="main-act" role="actress waitress sales-representative">
      <persName>Penny Hofstadter</persName>
   <person type="main-act" role="theoretical-physicist">
      <persName>Sheldon Cooper</persName>
   <person type="supporting-act" role="human-resources-representative">
      <persName>Janine Davis</persName>
   <person type="supporting-act" role="plasma-physicist">
      <persName>Barry Kripke</persName>
<listPerson type="real">
   <person type="guest-appearance" role="theoretical-physicist cosmologist">
      <persName>Stephen Hawking</persName>
   <person type="guest-appearance" role="actress">
      <persName>Carrie Fisher</persName>

Responding to @sydb's questions, @peterstadler and I propose: