The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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deleting a `<constraintSpec>` #2219

Closed sydb closed 2 years ago

sydb commented 2 years ago

One would think this would be easy. Just <constraintSpec module="[module]" ident="[ident]" sceme="schematron" mode="delete"/> should do it, eh? A bit weird that @scheme is required, but no big deal.

No such luck. The big deal is that it does not work. Nor does most any other method I tried. According to my little test ODD (which is attached to this ticket with an extra .txt extension), one can delete a <constraintSpec> from a class by specifying the deletion or change (to an empty <constraintSpec> or <constraint>) in a <classSpec mode="change">; and one can delete a <constraintSpec> from an element only if "replace"ed with an empty one.

I do not think this is the right state of affairs. I think that the whole point of being in att.identifiable is to be deleted or over-ridden.

sydb commented 2 years ago

Oh bleep. This was supposed to be a Stylesheets issue.