The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Translation from CarmendeSantiago/TEI #2245

Closed CarmendeSantiago closed 1 year ago

rettinghaus commented 1 year ago

I think all these gloss should be desc.

sydb commented 1 year ago

Even though my Spanish is way too weak to contribute meaningfully, I think @rettinghaus is correct — these should probably be descriptions, not glosses. Except that @type of <abbr> already has a gloss in Spanish (“tipo”), and it already has a description in Spanish, that looks suspiciously like the glosses provided on this PR. Has someone already fixed this and not closed the PR?

HelenaSabel commented 1 year ago

There was confusion between <desc> and <gloss> and the translation could be improved a bit (like trying to not use the so called “generic masculine”. Thus, we decided to just close this PR.