The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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removed unnecessary constraint and amended content model of objectIdentifier for #2260 #2264

Closed ebeshero closed 2 years ago

ebeshero commented 2 years ago

This is a super simple adjustment to resolve #2260, recently opened by @sydb.

ebeshero commented 2 years ago

So, @sydb opened #2260 yesterday and it seemed super easy to implement (removing an unnecessary Schematron constraint and amending the content model of <objectIdentifier>. I just did the work and it's passing tests. If this looks good, @raffazizzi , want to pull it in for the release?

ebeshero commented 2 years ago

@raffazizzi Okay, maybe hold off on merging this a moment: @sydb is calling for discussion on the ticket: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/2260#issuecomment-1094492579