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detest target needs to be more comprehensible #2267

Closed sydb closed 1 year ago

sydb commented 2 years ago

The detest: target of Test/Makefile currently does (roughly) the following:

  1. Compiles detest.odd into detest.rng, detest.isosch, detest.rng, and detest.xsl
  2. Under message “Validate ODD file using Schematron”, validates detest.odd (putting output into detest1.log): a) against ../p5odds.rng using jing b) against ../p5odds.message.isosch.xsl using Saxon
  3. Under message “Validate ODD file using RELAX NG schema”, validates detest.xml against detest.rnc putting output into detest2.log.
  4. Under message “Validate XML file using Schematron”, validates detest.xml against detest.xsl putting output into detest3.log
  5. Combines the 3 log files into one
  6. Compares that one log file to the expected_results/ output.
  7. Deletes the detst1, 2, & 3 log files

I propose to make this more explicit, and thus more understandable by mere mortals. E.g.:

I believe that the only controversial issue in all of the above is using 3 separate log files instead of only 1. Thus I am flagging this as “Needs discussion” for that detail, and “Go” for the rest; and will do those 2 things in separate commits. (Of course, anyone can object to the rest and discuss here, or say you think the separation into 3 outputs should be Go, too. :-)

duncdrum commented 2 years ago

Yes please to all of the above

sydb commented 1 year ago

This can be closed now, yes?

martinascholger commented 1 year ago

PR is merged, so we can close the issue.