The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Nabble TEI-L Archive No Longer Exists #2275

Closed jamescummings closed 1 year ago

jamescummings commented 2 years ago

Vanished in a puff of server costs, the Nabble TEI-L archive no longer exists.

This is mentioned on https://tei-c.org/support/#tei-l and should be removed. There is also a separate mirror on MarkMail at https://markmail.org/list/edu.brown.listserv.tei-l which presumably will break if/when the TEI-L mailing list moves to lists.tei-c.org but might be worth recording there instead of the Nabble one.

sydb commented 2 years ago

@bleekere and I have assigned to @martinascholger to get this into the hands of the webmaster.

martinascholger commented 1 year ago
