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Allow `<listBibl>` in `<abstract>` #2292

Closed cthomasdta closed 1 year ago

cthomasdta commented 2 years ago

In the teiHeader of letters we give a summary of the relevant contents of said letter in ../profileDesc/abstract/p, cf. <abstract> element, https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-abstract.html. Additional to that abstract/p we keep lists of different entities mentioned, and would like to keep the lists inside the <abstract> element. For these lists, we happily use <listPlace>, <listObject>, <listOrg>, <listPerson> et al.

We would like to also list the works mentioned (books, plays, manuscripts etc., whatever fits into <bibl>) accordingly. But: <listBibl> is not allowed inside <abstract>. We would like to ask that this is changed.

Summing up the short discussion on TEI-L, cf. https://listserv.brown.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=TEI-L;fc7e06ed.2204:

Martin Holmes:

Oddly enough, <listBibl> appears not to be a member of model.listLike: https://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-model.listLike.html which is why it's not available in <abstract>.

Bauman, Syd:

Short answer: I think TEI should probably allow <listBibl> in <abstract>.

(NB: the following "BUT"-musings and my answer to it are not relevant to the issue at stake here.)

So, @martindholmes and @sydb have agreed, and unless there are no objections we have not foreseen yet, we would ask to allow <listBibl> in <abstract>.

sabineseifert commented 1 year ago

Direct approach to solving the issue could be adding listBibl to the content model of abstract like this:

 <alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
  <classRef key="model.pLike"/>
  <classRef key="model.listLike"/>
  <elementRef key="listBibl"/>

Making listBibl member of model.listLike seems like a can of worms...

lb42 commented 1 year ago

This would of course permit an abstract containing nothing but a listBibl. Which makes me at least a little uncomfortable.

peterstadler commented 1 year ago

Well, it already does allow for only an e.g. listPlace. @lb42, would you feel more comfortable it at least one model.pLike was mandatory? Any other ideas?

martinascholger commented 1 year ago

Council F2F agrees with @sabineseifert proposal