The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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URLs of projects using TEI are not displayed on the individual project info pages #2303

Open bansp opened 2 years ago

bansp commented 2 years ago

As above,

Something doesn't like the <ptr target="http://ota.hds.ac.uk/"/> there.

Screenshot from 2022-06-11 03-41-46

bansp commented 2 years ago

In the example above, the thing that fails seems to be the TEI <ptr target=...>, as opposed to the regular HTML <a href=... that is used in another, working, project info page, at https://tei-c.org/activities/projects/american-verse-project/ . Of the several projects I checked, most use the <ptr> element, and fail to display the links. Or maybe the ptr does get displayed, but being a ptr, it has zero width? Just speculating -- I am, regretfully, completely unfamiliar with the strange magic of HTML5.

raffazizzi commented 1 year ago

I wonder if this is a Stylesheets issue or something to do with how the page is added to wordpress? @martinascholger do you know? It certainly shouldn't be a <ptr> element and it should have text content.

martindholmes commented 1 year ago

The OTA project page seems to be a bizarre mixture between HTML and TEI; something got lost in a conversion process, presumably. I think many of these pages used to be in TEI in the old CMS system, and were rendered using XSLT, but in the move over to WordPress they somehow weren't converted properly.