The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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<app> as sole content of a <sp> element #2317

Open gabrielegan opened 2 years ago

gabrielegan commented 2 years ago

I propose that <app> should be allowed to be the sole content of a <sp> element. At the moment this is invalid:

  <sp who="#CHOLMLEY">
    <app type="textual">
      <lem wit="#MS1">
        <l>Not so, my lord, it does no good.</l>
      <rdg wit="#MS2">
        <p>I did not think so.</p>

The reason seems to be that an <app> can't be the sole content of an <sp>, since adding a single empty <l> element fixes the above, and the following is valid:

  <sp who="#CHOLMLEY">
    <app type="textual">
      <lem wit="#MS1">
        <l>Not so, my lord, it does no good.</l>
      <rdg wit="#MS2">
        <p>I did not think so.</p>

Surely that makes no sense and there is no good reason why an <app> can't be the sole content of an <sp> element. If we agree on that, I'd like to propose that the TEI standard is altered to fix this too.

raffazizzi commented 1 year ago

This makes sense to me but we'll need to find a way to make sure the <app> contains the content model usually required by <sp>. Will discuss with the council.