The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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bad link → consistent referencing needed to ISO 24611 #2331

Open sydb opened 1 year ago

sydb commented 1 year ago

The first exmplum in Source/Specs/standOff.xml contains

    <p>This example … used by <ref target="#ISO24611">ISO 24611 (MAF)</ref>.</p>

But there is no element with an @xml:id of "ISO24611" in P5.

Turns out our references to this standard are quite scattered. Looks like there are 3 of them:[1]

  1. In Source/Guidelines/en/AI-AnalyticMechanisms.xml the standard is glossed with a <note>, which has a <ptr> that #2272 flags as problematic. (But worked OK for me.)
  2. In Source/Specs/att.linguistic.xml in what is now the <remarks> of definition of @join[2] it is just cited with plain text.
  3. As mentioned above, in Source/Specs/standOff.xml it is referred to using a pointer to a non-existent target.

My instinct is the right solution is to create a bibliography entry for it (which might point to that www.iso.org page) and consistently point to that.

Notes [1] Via egrep 'ISO.?24611' Source/Guidelines/en/*.xml Source/Specs/*.xml [2] This used to be the 2nd sentence of the <desc>, but I just moved it.

bansp commented 1 year ago

I may have omitted it in my commits (if the ptr was mine) -- sorry about that and thanks for the catch. A stable URL for this is still https://www.iso.org/standard/51934.html (even if it ends up redirecting to a newer version, that was the version referenced in the Guidelines). And the usual reference is just "ISO 24611:2012. Language resource management — Morpho-syntactic annotation framework (MAF)"