The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Inconsistent ISO referencing: Two different entries for ISO 690 in BIB #2340

Open ebeshero opened 1 year ago

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

Found by @martindholmes while investigating https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/2331. We need to decide which one of these to remove.

rettinghaus commented 1 year ago

Does one of them have to go? One references an example in the document, the other one the whole document. I'm wondering more if the references to ISO documents shouldn't be updated in general, because those in there have been revised and withdrawn.

ISO 690:1987 -> ISO 690:2021 ISO 12620:2009 -> ISO 24611:2012 ISO 19757-3:2006 -> ISO/IEC 19757-3:2020

Furthermore there are some ISO specs cited in the Guidelines but no reference in BIB.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

@rettinghaus Thanks for your advice and especially for your PR, which we've now merged and updated. I'm taking a slow "walk" through the ISO entries in the BIB to scan for inconsistencies and make some repairs as called for here. I notice that sometimes we link to ISO specs and sometimes we don't bother. I wonder which is the better strategy, but lean toward linking since eventually we should check to see if something was withdrawn and outdated.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

I'm also grepping for ISO mentions in Guidelines that lack BIB citations...will update as I locate them.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

After some grepping around the Specs and Guidelines, I organized a table to document which ISO specs we reference in the TEI Specs and Guidelines. Most currently don't have BIB entries. Sometimes we reference a very particular dated spec, and I'm not sure whether it's appropriate to update it. (And sometimes it's pretty clear we're talking about a very early spec and should cite it in particular.)

ISO Spec Where mentioned? BIB citation? Reasonably current ref?
ISO 690 HD Y https://www.iso.org/standard/72642.html
ISO 690:1987 CO Y (:1987) keep 1987 because an example is drawn from it
ISO 24611 AI, standOff N (:2012) https://www.iso.org/standard/51934.html
ISO 24611:2012 att.linguistic N (:2012) https://www.iso.org/standard/51934.html
ISO 12620 DI, gram, att.datcat (ref targets for ISO 12620 point to the now obsolete http://www.isocat.org/) Y (:2009) 2009 - 2019 were withdrawn. We now consider dissociating from a standard and preparing an example for att.datcat that mainly follows the old 12620. See #2227
ISO 12620:2009 att.datcat Y (:2009) 2009 - 2019 were withdrawn. See #2227
ISO 639-3 att.lexicographic.normalized N https://iso639-3.sil.org/
ISO 8601 ND, ST, calendarDesc, teidata.duration.iso, att.datable, att.duration.w3c, att.duration, Y (:2004) Per PR #2250, we're keeping with the withdrawn :2004, so maybe we should point to it here: https://www.iso.org/standard/40874.html Note: Per #2249 we're blocked for updating to :2019
ISO 8601:2004 CO, att.datable.iso Y (:2004) Add link to https://www.iso.org/standard/40874.html
ISO 15294 teidata.language N ISO/IEC TR 15294:2000: https://www.iso.org/standard/27172.html
ISO 3166 teidata.language, country N https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html (links to publicly available country codes)
ISO 3166-2 teidata.language N (:2013 was withdrawn) current is :2020: https://www.iso.org/standard/72483.html
ISO-8859-n CH N Cite unicodebook on historic character sets? https://unicodebook.readthedocs.io/historical_encodings.html
ISO-8859-1 CH, WD, SG N Cite unicodebook on historic character sets? https://unicodebook.readthedocs.io/historical_encodings.html
ISO RELAX NG ST N (only Schematron) https://www.iso.org/standard/52348.html
ISO/IEC FDIS 19757-2 (RELAX NG) SG N (only Schematron) https://www.iso.org/standard/52348.html
ISO/IEC 10646-1993 SG N very dated, but this probably marks a starting point. https://www.iso.org/standard/18741.html
ISO TC 211 (geo tech committee) ND N probably not necessary for BIB: https://www.iso.org/committee/54904.html
ISO 19136:2007 (GML) ND Y (:2007) ISO 19136-1:2020: https://www.iso.org/standard/75676.html
ISO Technical Report 9537 (Techniques for using SGML (1988)) FT N ISO/IEC TR 9573:1988 https://www.iso.org/standard/17319.html
ISO 12083 FT N :1994 remains current. https://www.iso.org/standard/20866.html
ISO 8632:1987, amended in 1990 FT N ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999 https://www.iso.org/standard/32378.html
ISO/IEC Draft International Standard 10918-1, and CCITT T.81 FT N https://www.iso.org/standard/18902.html
CCITT T.81 FT N https://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/itu-t81.pdf
ebeshero commented 1 year ago

@rettinghaus @bansp @martinascholger @martindholmes @sydb @hcayless I did a little grepping today to assess where we are with ISO referencing, and the table above is my summary, including recommendations on what we should update and where we should link. We are missing BIB entries for several ISO specs that have been or still are important to the TEI Guidelines.

Do you agree with my proposed updates? They connect to other tickets and a recent PR: PR #2227, #2249, #2250, Where we don't reference something mentioned in Guidelines/Specs in the BIB, I think we should add reasonably current references (and I'm pointing links to those).

This ticket may now be too "big" to resolve easily before the October release, but viewed another way, maybe it's just a series of simple edits to the BIB and should be revised quickly. The "legwork" wasn't difficult (I got into this "ISO zone" while recuperating from a double dose of Covid + influenza vaccines.)


ebeshero commented 1 year ago

Please feel free to edit my table and add comments.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

At the very least, @rettinghaus , I agree that we should keep both references to ISO 690, since one is for an example in the 1987 version.

rettinghaus commented 1 year ago

@ebeshero I think it is pretty safe to "update" ISO 690, because nothing fundamentally has changed there. However, this is only referenced as "related" to ANSI Z39.29 in the Note for Library Cataloguers. When touching this, we probably need to revise the other mentioned standard there, as DIN 1505-2 has been replaced by DIN ISO 690:2013-10, which on the other hand didn't play any role "in developing the content of the TEI header".

For ISO 15294 it should be safe to link to the latest standard because the relevant values are defined by the ISO 15924 Registration Authority.

bansp commented 1 year ago

Impressive piece of work, Elisa! Like we said in another ticket, I'd be grateful if the references to ISO 24611 and 12620 were left under my care, for only a few days (no option, I have to be done with this asap given other commitments). What I am a bit surprised by is no mention of ISO 24624:2016 Language resource management — Transcription of spoken language because that's a rather important standard prepared from the ground up as a TEI customization, and (I hope) underlying much of what the chapter on the transcription of speech says. But I just mention that, won't be able to investigate that in detail now.