The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Example URL in att.global is broken #2366

Closed JanelleJenstad closed 1 year ago

JanelleJenstad commented 1 year ago

In this example at https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-att.global.html: <listBibl xml:base="http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/BWRP/Works/">

the URL for @xml:base is a broken link. The @ref targets are also therefore broken.

Let's find a new example.

sydb commented 1 year ago

Agreed. But note that it is not interesting that http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/BWRP/Works/ is “broken”, as it is only a base. The problem is that https://library.ucdavis.edu/BWRP/Works/LandLVowOf.sgm, https://library.ucdavis.edu/BWRP/Works/NortMIrene.sgm, and https://library.ucdavis.edu/BWRP/Works/TaylJEssay.sgm are broken.

I kinda like this example for its content (i.e., women writers :-), but a new one that works is on order.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

@sydb @JanelleJenstad BWRP is an archive I've relied on heavily in the past, so I'm aware it's moving house. This page seems to indicate the new home, but I'm not 100% sure: https://digital.lib.ucdavis.edu/projects/bwrp/ I'm assigning this one to myself to follow up since I would very much like to be able to locate these texts (and want to keep the example(s) from BWRP in the Guidelines if we can).

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

@JanelleJenstad @sydb I dug around to see what happened to the big BWRP (British Women of the Romantic Period) collection at UC Davis. Apparently it was taken offline in 2016 during a library database overhaul, but it's promised to come back online at the Romantic Circles site. I suspect it'll take them a while, but this is an old venerable project, and I think for the purposes of our example of the use of @xml:base on listBibl for the spec, it's still okay (even if the link is broken). I think we could simply update that link to their redirect page for now at https://digital.library.ucdavis.edu/projects/bwrp/

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

No, rethinking this. That collection has been offline for six years now. We should change it--I don't think it's likely to come online anytime soon.

ebeshero commented 1 year ago

I updated this with an example from a big TEI project, The Collected Letters of Robert Southey, and made sure the base and relative URIs actually work. Completed with https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/commit/365639e0559dff7ccf1d0f42f34c5b16175d81ae