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reconsider model.listLike #2373

Open GVogeler opened 1 year ago

GVogeler commented 1 year ago

We have many lists in the TEI and most of them are collectd in model.listLike (https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/de/html/ref-model.listLike.html), however listBibl and castList are excuded. I would argue that they all share linguistic features of a list, i.e. collecting a set of structurally similar items (item, bibl, person, witness etc.) under a common concept (head, desc) and can occur at similar positions in the typical structure of a text e.g. as a sequence of p, list, p or a sequence of sections div, list, div, so it would make sense to group them in the model.listLike.

Asking for an explanation of this (and related issues) I received the following answers from TEI-L: @lb42 :

I don't know how good an explanation it is, but the reason is that listBibl and castList were conceived of as being more div-like than p-like. The thought was that you would never want either of them floating about inside a paragraph, like other members of the model.listLike class, but you would very probably want them floating about between div elements, at the same structural level. So they are allowed within front, body or back. The presence of modelListLike elements directly within body is a consequence of the desire to permit a body with no divs: enforced by possibly the most rebarbative content model I have ever argued with Sebastian about...

@martindholmes :

There is some discussion of that question here: #1841 and I think it shows up in other tickets too. Personally, I think listBibl is not only structurally similar to other list* items, it also behaves pretty much like them.

@sydb commented then

@martindholmes asks above “why is <listBibl> not a member of model.listLike?”. Seems like the wrong question to me. I wonder why <listApp> and <list> and <listPerson>, three things that seem to have absolutely nothing in common (except that each has a sequence of children), are in the same class. The “Like” part of a class name is supposed to mean “behaves like, i.e. can go in similar places in the hierarchy”, not “is structured like”."

@ebeshero :

I tend to agree with Martin’s line of thinking regarding the similar list-like behavior of listBibl and listPerson. I suspect they are positioned differently in the hierarchy because listBibl was introduced to the TEI at an earlier moment—before we developed personographies, placeographies, etc. Maybe it’s time to reconsider the valid placement of “listLike” elements, and which ones are really not like the others.