The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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attr specification in description? #2387

Closed sydb closed 1 year ago

sydb commented 1 year ago

While working on #2298 @trishaoconnor and I noticed that the descriptions of the @org attribute of the <attList> element each contain the strings “(org="group")” and “(org="choice")”. (Except that the Korean has only 1 of them.)

  1. They should not be plain text. We encode such things.
  2. Quite incorrectly (IMHO), some translations include translation of the "group" and "choice" values of @org.
  3. More importantly, they should not be there at all: in no other <desc> in the Guidlines do we show an attribute-value pair like that.
  4. Furthermore, the use of <desc> vs use of <gloss> for the values of @org need to be reconsidered.
martinascholger commented 1 year ago

I think no discussion is needed here - I greenlight this. Is this something for the mentoring session, @trishaoconnor and @sydb? Feel free to re-assign.

trishaoconnor commented 1 year ago

Change approved and translations updated by @HelenaSabel and @raffazizzi