The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Title of guidelines §2.2.8 does not precisely match content #2415

Closed agnasso closed 1 year ago

agnasso commented 1 year ago

§2.2.8 is titled "Computer Files Derived from Other Computer Files" but it actually only covers the case of TEI files derived from another TEI file (or, to be annoyingly precise, "from a computer file which includes a TEI header").

Admittedly, how to proceed while creating a TEI file derived from a non-TEI file (e.g. plaintext file) is rather straightforward, but it might be opportune to explicitly address it for new users.

sydb commented 1 year ago

What, you mean there are non-TEI files out there? 😄 Seriously, my instinct is you have a good point, here, and re-naming the section is in order. While it might also be worth having a section devoted to metadata for non-TEI digital files, my instinct is to wait until the CMC chapter is out, first, and see what remains to be addressed.

trishaoconnor commented 1 year ago

Hello, @agnasso. Here is a suggestion for rewording the title and the first two sentences of the description in the TEI Guidelines for 2.2.8:

Updated title: "TEI documents derived from other TEI documents"

Updated content: (Reduced the original two-sentence opening description to one sentence.)

When a TEI document (call it B) is derived not from a
printed source but from another TEI document (call it
A), then the five sections
of A's file header will need to be incorporated into the new
header for B as indicated below: