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classes/memberOf should be ordered (att.global first, then alphabetical) #2463

Open joeytakeda opened 1 year ago

joeytakeda commented 1 year ago

As discussed at the F2F, we have tended to order classes/memberOf as att.global first, and then alphabetical for the rest. Only 14 elements do not have att.global as their first attribute class child (i.e. classes[not(memberOf[starts-with(@key,'att.')][1]/@key = 'att.global')]):


  1. att.ascribed
  2. att.datable
  3. att.docStatus
  4. att.global
  5. att.typed


  1. att.datable
  2. att.dimensions
  3. att.editLike
  4. att.global
  5. att.naming
  6. att.typed


  1. att.datcat
  2. att.global


  1. att.datable
  2. att.editLike
  3. att.global
  4. att.naming
  5. att.typed
  6. att.dimensions


  1. att.datable
  2. att.editLike
  3. att.global
  4. att.naming
  5. att.typed


  1. att.typed
  2. att.global
  3. att.coordinated
  4. att.written


  1. att.typed
  2. att.global
  3. att.media
  4. att.resourced
  5. att.declaring
  6. att.timed


  1. att.datable
  2. att.editLike
  3. att.global
  4. att.personal
  5. att.typed


  1. att.datable
  2. att.editLike
  3. att.global
  4. att.naming
  5. att.typed
  6. att.dimensions


  1. att.datable
  2. att.editLike
  3. att.global
  4. att.personal
  5. att.typed


  1. att.cReferencing
  2. att.declaring
  3. att.global
  4. att.internetMedia
  5. att.pointing
  6. att.typed


  1. att.declarable
  2. att.global


  1. att.cReferencing
  2. att.declaring
  3. att.global
  4. att.internetMedia
  5. att.pointing
  6. att.typed


  1. att.ascribed.directed
  2. att.global
  3. att.placement
  4. att.written

I submit these should be all be changed to att.global and then alphabetically (A-Z)

sydb commented 1 month ago

To be clear, the order is obviously non-informational. This change would just be in a (possibly vain) attempt to make the specification XML easier to read by humans. I am not against it (nor really in favor), but if we do this we would want to add a <constraintSpec> to p5odds.odd that enforces the order in the future. Also this ticket does not address model class positioning vs attribute classes, but I think we may as well do both at once.

sydb commented 4 weeks ago


  <sch:rule context="tei:classes">
    <sch:let name="keys_as_specified" value="tei:memberOf/@key"/>
    <sch:let name="keys_in_order"
             value="if ( $keys_as_specified = 'att.global' )
                    then ( 'att.global', sort( $keys_as_specified )[. ne 'att.global'] )
                    else sort( $keys_as_specified )" />
    <sch:assert test="string-join( $keys_as_specified ) eq string-join( $keys_in_order )">
      class membership should be specified in sorted order, except att.global goes first.
sydb commented 3 weeks ago

Oh dear. What to do? I had intended to commit to a new branch, but somehow changes ended up in dev branch, instead.[1] Then, when my changes ended up in dev, not my new branch, I came here to look and realized I was not assigned to this ticket. (Somehow I left the F2F Council meeting last weekend thinking I was assigned to this one.) Sigh. Anyway, all tests are passing in the docker. There are a dozen occurrences of the new warning message, but those can be picked off at our leisure. So I am not personally inclined to try to revert this change and re-create it in a new branch, issue a PR, and have it pulled into dev. In large part because doing that would exceed my current git capabilities.

Note [1] I am guessing that the problem is that I have different setting in my .git file on my desktop and laptop. Because I can swear on a ton of bricks that the sequence of git commands I used has done what I want in the past, but did not this time. For the record, here is the console transcript for what I did:

(599) Padfoot ~/Documents/TEI_gitHub/P5 @ 08:32:48 ->git status -uno
On branch dev
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/dev' by 2 commits.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)
(600) Padfoot ~/Documents/TEI_gitHub/P5 @ 08:32:51 ->git checkout -b sydb_issue_2463
Switched to a new branch 'sydb_issue_2463'
(601) Padfoot ~/Documents/TEI_gitHub/P5 @ 08:33:22 ->git push
Enumerating objects: 1786, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1786/1786), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (1033/1033), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1033/1033), 105.70 KiB | 522.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 1033 (delta 1021), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1021/1021), completed with 752 local objects.        
To github.com:TEIC/TEI.git
   ac2d0f7e0..d84b97546  dev -> dev
(602) Padfoot ~/Documents/TEI_gitHub/P5 @ 08:33:33 ->