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Make small fixes to event and eventName #2466

Closed joeytakeda closed 7 months ago

joeytakeda commented 9 months ago

From Paderborn F2F: We've now merged @skurzinz wonderful work (#2427) into a new branch (https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/tree/issue_2382_eventName) so that we can easily make little adjustments (rather than dipping into @skurzinz 's fork ) before moving into dev.

In council discussion, we decided to make the following adjustments:

skurzinz commented 9 months ago

contains data relating to anything of significance that happens in time.

@joeytakeda could you do the change for German in this branch so that I don’t have to git checkout various upstream changes? @martinascholger could you doublecheck my prose?

<desc versionDate="2023-09-05" xml:lang="de">enthält Daten mit Bezug zu etwas Bemerkenswertem, das in der Zeit geschieht.</desc>

joeytakeda commented 9 months ago

Okay I have now done all of what I (and my monolingualism) can do :-)

But in working spending a bit more time with this, I have a few questions (which have to do with event and not eventName and thus may merit consideration only after eventName is merged or in coordination with #367 )

   <alternate minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <elementRef key="event" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <elementRef key="listEvent" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <classRef key="model.personLike" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <elementRef key="listPerson" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <classRef key="model.placeLike" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <elementRef key="listPlace" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
      <classRef key="model.objectLike" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <alternate minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <elementRef key="relation" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
        <elementRef key="listRelation" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

Personally, I don't think it should matter in what order you put any of these things (in the current guidelines, the only one of these entities that event allows is event, which must come last).

skurzinz commented 9 months ago
  • The //exemplum[@xml:lang='de-AT'] is excellent, but some thoughts:

Thanks for those. I fully agree, and thus came up with the following snippet, which I would ask you again to include in your branch to avoid git hassle:

<listEvent type="generated">
        <event xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001" ref="https://mrp.oeaw.ac.at/pages/show.html?directory=editions&amp;document=MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001.xml" 
          <head>Nr. 1 Ministerrat, Wien, 1. April 1848</head>
          <label>Ministerratssitzung <date when="1848-04-01">1848-04-01</date>, aus Band 1 1/1, März 1848–21. November 1848</label>
          <listEvent type="agenda_items">
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_1">
              <label>I. Enthebung Baron Karl Friedrich v. Kübecks als Finanzminister und Ernennung des Freiherrn Philipp v. Krauß zu seinem Nachfolger</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_2">
              <label>II. Ernennung FML. Peter Zaninis zum Kriegsminister</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_3">
              <label>III. Öffentliche Erklärung über die konstitutionellen Grundsätze; Umformung des Staatsrates</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_4">
              <label>IV. Kriegserklärung Sardiniens; Vorgehen Radetzkys; Bestellung eines Hofkommissärs für Lombardo-Venetien</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_5">
              <label>V. Beeidigung der Minister</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_6">
              <label>VI. Tumulte im Kärntnertortheater</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_7">
              <label>VII. Bewegung der tschechischen demokratischen Partei; Berufung Paul Josef Safaiřiks nach Wien</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_8">
              <label>VIII. Behandlung der aus Lombardo-Venetien vertriebenen Justiz- und politischen Beamten</label>
            <event type="agenda_item" xml:id="mrp-events-MRP-1-1-01-0-18480401-P-0001-top_1_1_1_9">
              <label>IX. Besetzung der Landeschef und Ständepräsidentenposten in Prag; böhmische Deputation in Wien</label>
          <listPerson type="attendants">
            <person role="chair"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8141"><surname>Kolowrat</surname></persName></person>
            <person role="attendant"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8145"><surname>Ficquelmont</surname></persName></person>
            <person role="attendant"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8154"><surname>Taaffe</surname></persName></person>
            <person role="attendant"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8148"><surname>Pillersdorf</surname></persName></person>
            <person role="attendant"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8151"><surname>Sommaruga</surname></persName></person>
            <person role="signed-protocol"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/8141"><surname>Kolowrat</surname></persName><note>BdE. <date when="1848-04-02">2. 4.</date></note></person>
            <person role="signed-protocol"><persName ref="https://mpr.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/entity/9251"><surname>Franz Karl</surname></persName><note>BdE. <date when="1848-04-02">2. 4.</date></note></person>
            <place xml:id="Wien">
              <placeName xml:lang="de">Wien</placeName>
              <placeName xml:lang="en">Vienna</placeName>
                 <geo>48.208199 16.37169</geo>
              <idno type="GeoNames">https://sws.geonames.org/2761369</idno>
        <!-- ... -->

I also considered removing a few agenda items, which can still be done, but they are funny enough to read and show the diversity of the concrete agenda of this body of government. Feel free to just delete a few if brevity is the goal…

skurzinz commented 9 months ago

@joeytakeda re my previous comment I also committed that file into my branch at https://github.com/skurzinz/TEI/commit/85f07741ceb43f24ea82979177c45b8991bba0a1

ebeshero commented 7 months ago

@joeytakeda Is this now complete with the merging of the PR for eventName? (The last task unmarked here was updating all the <desc> elements, and I believe that's done... I'm provisionally putting a Guidelines milestone on this ticket...

ebeshero commented 7 months ago

@joeytakeda Just close if it's complete, okay?