The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Feature request: <listPerson> as bullet list #2475

Closed nquenouille closed 9 months ago

nquenouille commented 9 months ago

If I want to have a nice bullet point list of persons and a valid TEI document, I can do this:

<div type="persons">
            <list rend="bulleted">
                               <person xml:id="p1">
                                   <persName>John Doe</persName>
                            <person xml:id="p2">
                               <persName>Jane Doe</persName>

But this is ugly, since listPerson should already provide a list (without having to wrap it into a list and item element). How could this be done? I tried to give the listPers the attribute rend="bulleted" or type="bulleted", but neither worked, and if I insert a bullet concatenating it with persName, I have still the issue of having a list in a row and not one person under the other. Any advise (or maybe a new feature) is appreciated.

hcayless commented 9 months ago

listPerson has att.global.rendition and att.typed out of the box, so this ought to work unless your local customization disallows it for some reason. So

<listPerson rend="bulleted">

should be fine. Or are you asking about how it's rendered? I don't know that the Stylesheets (for example) would handle that without some customization...

nquenouille commented 9 months ago

Hi Hugh, nice to read you. :-) I am working with the TEI Publisher and tested it on the LEAF Writer, too. I do not see anything in the customization that could prevent it from rendering as bullet list. A normal "list"-Element is rendered as bullet list, though, even without rend="bulleted".

hcayless commented 9 months ago

You too! This sounds like a TEI Publisher / LEAF Writer styling issue then. It's probably something that can be handled with a bit of CSS, but it's not within our (TEI Council's) purview. You'll need to ask the Publisher / LEAF folks. I'm going to go ahead and close this because we can't fix it ourselves, but you'll still be able to reference it in communication with them if you need to.

nquenouille commented 9 months ago

Many thanks! It worked by manipulating the ODD.