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Allow `<listEvent>`/`<event>` in `<object>` #2523

Open skurzinz opened 5 months ago

skurzinz commented 5 months ago

… in parallel to the other *ography elements where it is already allowed:

Reasoning: The description of an object may include events related to the object.

May be done together with #2499.

Pinging @jamescummings as the main objectifier.

sydb commented 5 months ago

Makes a lot of sense to me (although I do not see much relationship to #2499).

But (as so often is the case) the devil is in the details. Where in <object> should model.eventLike be allowed?

Given where it is already allowed in the elements @skurzinz mentions:

# model.eventLike is a member of model.personPart
person = { ( model.pLike+ | ( model.personPart | model.global | ptr )* ) }

# model.eventLike is a member of model.orgPart
org = {  ( model.headLike*, ( model.pLike* | ( model.labelLike | model.nameLike | model.placeLike | model.orgPart | model.milestoneLike )* ), ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | linkGrp | link | ptr )*, model.personLike* ) }

# model.eventLike is a direct child of the almost analagous portion of the content model
place = { ( model.headLike*, ( model.pLike* | ( model.labelLike | model.placeStateLike | model.eventLike | name )* ), ( model.noteLike | model.biblLike | idno | ptr | linkGrp | link )*, ( model.placeLike | listPlace )* ) }

my instinct (which may prove wrong) is that model.listEvent should be in the content of <object> in the same clause where it currently has ( msContents | physDesc | history | additional )*. Not sure whether that clause should read

( model.pLike+ | ( msContents | physDesc | history | additional | model.eventLike )* )


( model.pLike+ | (  ( msContents | physDesc | history | additional )*, model.eventLike* )  )

That is, should the <event>s, if any, be required to follow the <msContents> et al.?

skurzinz commented 5 months ago

That is, should the <event>s, if any, be required to follow the <msContents> et al.?

Is there a reason for restricting the position? I am inclined to argue for the first variant @sydb sketched. On the other hand, that result in an inconsistency between elements considered similar at least for their use (place and object).[1]

[1] OTOH: What is the reason that (model.placeLike|listPlace)* is supposed to be the last sibling within place? Is the positioning restriction serving any practical use?