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content models of `<event>` and `<listEvent>` miss chance at appropriate self-abstraction #2524

Open sydb opened 4 months ago

sydb commented 4 months ago

The model class model.eventLike has two members: <event> and <listEvent>.

The content models of <event> and <listEvent> each have a clause that refers to the union of those two elements: ( event | listEvent )* and ( event | listEvent )+, respectively.

They should not. They should refer to the class. (That is, model.eventLike* and model.eventLike+, respectively.)

A search through tei_all.rng[1] says these are the only 2 such cases.

Note [1] Using //r:choice[ child::r:ref[@name='event'] and child::r:ref[@name='listEvent'] ].