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Allow `@place` in `<div>` #2551

Open cthomasdta opened 2 months ago

cthomasdta commented 2 months ago

Originally posted by @cthomasdta in https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/2542#issuecomment-2022474764 [Code-example below slightly modified to clarify my point]

[@lb42 asked:]

[…] Why not use seg ?

In my view, a question of priorities, what we want to express: <seg> is very generic, whereas the most important info imo is that this is a <div>, more specifically a <div type="writingSession" n="3">, exactly like the two other <div type="writingSession"> that the letter consists of.

So we have a clear succession of the same elements for the respective text containers (and not div-div-seg -- as if the last one was something else than the two blocks before that):

<div type="letter">
   <div type="writingSession" n="1"><p>[…]</p></div>
   <div type="writingSession" n="2"><p>[…]</p></div>
   <div type="writingSession" n="3" place="top" rend="upsideDown"><p>[…]</p></div>

The (again, imo) a little less important info, but still worth noting preferably as an attribute of this div, is that the third writing session was squeezed in on the top of the page (and written upside-down). Since there is something exactly fitting this annotation demand, namely @place (and maybe @rend), I would like to be able to use it there. [Btw I would argue the same for <head>, but that again would be another issue :)]


sydb commented 2 months ago

I have to admit, “writing session” does not seem like a viable categorization of logical textual divisions to me. (I concede I may be convinced otherwise.) It seems to me that writing sessions and logical textual divisions are orthogonal to one another. I may very well have written chapters 1, 2, and the first 3½ sentences of chapter 3 in one writing session, and the last 97½ sentences of chapter 3 in the next, no? Thus my instinct is that writing sessions are better left to revision campaigns or <sourceDoc> encoding.

cthomasdta commented 2 months ago

I have to admit, “writing session” does not seem like a viable categorization of logical textual divisions to me. (I concede I may be convinced otherwise.)

Hi Syd, I'll have to think about that a little longer to maybe convince you – or to concede that you are right.

But for the time being, can we agree that this concern does not relate to the initial request, i.e. allow @place in <div>? This still seems reasonable to me and I would like to focus on this first. Thanks again!

sabineseifert commented 1 month ago

European subgroup at VF2F April 27:
