The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines
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Remove extraneous comma from `<geo>` #2561

Open sydb opened 1 month ago

sydb commented 1 month ago

Removed extraneous commas from within examples of <geo> element, thus addressing main concern of #2560.

For each <geo> that had a comma, I checked to make sure it seemed to be in LAT LONG order (instead of LONG LAT). I did not check those <geo>s that did not have a comma.

Note The following command was very useful in checking LAT LONG vs LONG LAT:

xmlstarlet sel -N x=http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples -t -m "//x:geo[ contains(.,'0')]" -n -o "---------" -f -o ":" -n -v "normalize-space(.)" -n Source/Specs/*.xml Source/Guidelines/en/*.xml | perl -pe 's;^([0-9.-]+),? ([0-9.-]+)$;normal= https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=$1&mlon=$2&zoom=9\nreverse= https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=$2&mlon=$1&zoom=9;'