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CMC attr description contains what should be remarks #2571

Closed sydb closed 1 week ago

sydb commented 2 months ago

The <post> element’s @replyTo attribute is defined as

<attDef ident="replyTo" mode="add">
    <desc xml:lang="en" versionDate="2021-09-07">indicates to which previous post the
        current post replies or refers to. This attribute should be used to encode
        <q>technical</q> reply information that is due to a formal reply action (such as
        activating a <q>reply</q> button in the client software) and that is formally
        represented in the source, e.g. in the <q>references</q> field of a Usenet message header
        or in the subject line of a forum post. It should not be used for inferred,
        or interpreted reply relations based only on ambiguous signs such as linguistic discourse markers or the indentation relations in Wiki talk pages.
        <!--See Lüngen/Herzberg (2019)--></desc>
    <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <dataRef key="teidata.pointer"/>

That should (IMO) be

<attDef ident="replyTo" mode="add">
  <desc xml:lang="en" versionDate="2021-09-07">indicates to which previous post the current post replies or refers.</desc>
  <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <dataRef key="teidata.pointer"/>
  <remarks xml:lang="en" versionDate="2021-09-07">
    This attribute should be used to encode <q>technical</q> reply
    information that is due to a formal reply action (such as
    activating a <q>reply</q> button in the client software) and that
    is formally represented in the source, e.g. in the
    <q>references</q> field of a Usenet message header or in the
    subject line of a forum post. It should not be used for inferred
    or interpreted reply relations based only on ambiguous signs such
    as linguistic discourse markers or indentation.
    <!--See Lüngen/Herzberg (2019)-->

Although an argument could be made that the @versionDate should be updated for both the <desc> and <remarks>.

sydb commented 2 months ago

See branch sydb_2571_definition_of_replyTo. (I have not made a PR yet just to avoid confusion with tomorrow’s release.) PR #2573 is for that branch, and thus addresses this issue.