TEIC / TEIGarage

EGE RESTful web service. Provides EGE functionality through RESTful web service way.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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add GitHub action for TEI releases #86

Open peterstadler opened 3 weeks ago

peterstadler commented 3 weeks ago

when a TEI release is created the TEIGarage Docker image needs to pick up the new Stylesheets and Source.

@anneferger and I discussed the following workflow:

  1. a TEI release triggers a new git tag with an incremented minor version number (this could be done via a GitHub action in the TEI repo; otherwise manually)
  2. the commit message of the tagging must start with "TEI P5 Release"
  3. a Github action in the TEIGarage repo listens on refs/tags and the above prefix, finally building the Docker image with the "latest" and the version tag
peterstadler commented 3 weeks ago

maybe have a look at https://github.com/softprops/action-gh-release for creating GitHub Releases via GitHub actions.