TEIC / atop

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Allow XSLT documentation element xd:doc as first preceding sibling of a named top-level XSLT construct #10

Closed dmj closed 2 years ago

dmj commented 2 years ago

The current Schematron for XSLT mandates a XSLT documentation element with an explicit reference (xd:ref) for named XSLT constructs (rule: root-children-must-have-documentation). This makes it awkward to write documentation strings. I think an explicit pointer to the top-level construct is not necessary iff the xd:doc is preceds the top-level construct.


    <xd:desc>The TEI namespace URI is defined as a global variable to avoid using magic strings in functions and templates that use it as fallback or default value.</xd:desc>
  <xsl:variable name="atop:vTEINamespaceUri" as="xs:string"><xsl:text>http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0</xsl:text></xsl:variable>
martindholmes commented 2 years ago

The idea is to enable us to generated documentation which automatically links variables to their explanations, but if we're OK with using contiguity for that, then no problem. However, @sydb wants to be able to provide a single documentation block which applies to a subsequence series of e.g. vars or params, and that will make contiguity slightly more of an issue. I guess decisions on this should depend on whether we're going to write our own document processor or depend on Oxygen's.

sydb commented 2 years ago

I’m confused. I thought our rule was pretty simple: Every named top-level thingamabob (i.e., /xsl:*/xsl:*[@name]) has to have an <xd:doc> associated with it. Either its closest preceding sibling is an <xd:doc>, or there exists an <xd:doc> that refers to it via an <xd:ref>. Is that not what the Schematron seeks to enforce? (Yes, I could and probably should just go read it, but it is past my bedtime!)

dmj commented 2 years ago

@sydb The schematron only looks for a reference to the name in xd:ref.

martindholmes commented 2 years ago

I don't think we finished deciding what we wanted, so the Schematron isn't finished yet.