TEIC / atop

Another TEI ODD Processor
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Schematron files should not be generated from PLODDs that contain no Schematron #29

Closed martindholmes closed 2 months ago

martindholmes commented 2 months ago

We currently generate empty Schematron root elements which are therefore invalid. We should a) not generate Schematron files from PLODDs containing no rules, and b) actually have at least one test set which has rules in it so we can test Schematron generation.

martindholmes commented 2 months ago

With @HelenaSabel and @sydb worked some more on this issue, and solved the initial problem by adding a pattern element containing a p with a message to the effect that no Schematron rules were in the ODD file. This makes the output files valid, albeit pointless; but if they did not appear, users might be confused, so this is a good solution to this problem. The remaining question of how to test the Schematron we've generated will be issue #30.