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Clarify how to obtain a QName from an attDef #7

Closed dmj closed 7 months ago

dmj commented 2 years ago

The <attDef> contains the definition of a single attribute. An XML attribute has a name which is a QName consisting of a possibly empty namespace URI, an optional prefix and a local name. The QName of a specified attribute is obtained as followed:

  1. The namespace URI is the empty string unless specified otherwise in the @ns attribute.
  2. The local name is specified by the @ident attribute unless specified otherwise in the first <altIdent> child element.

The QName of a specified attribute thus can be constructed as follows:

QName( (@ns, "")[1], (tei:altIdent[1], @ident)[1])

dmj commented 2 years ago

See #6

martindholmes commented 7 months ago

@HelenaSabel, @sydb and I believe the current implementation is correct.