TES5Edit / TES5Edit

xEdit by Elminster; Updated and maintained by Sharlikran, Zilav, and Hlp
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Request: new columns forth/ fifth column on left pane- sort by race/gender #854

Open sillybob86 opened 4 years ago

sillybob86 commented 4 years ago

Just an idea, but

browsing through NPCs for example in SSEdit..

What if next to "Name" column was either a "Gender" or "Race column"

so that for example, Astrid`s line would read: FormID--EditorID-Name-Gender-Race 000++ Astrid Astrid Female Nord

Alternatively, what about a way to search for "All references matching 2 criteria"

Show all references having both "Female" and "Nordrace"

zilav commented 4 years ago

Write a custom scripted filter, there is already one searching for female NPCs in Edit Scripts folder as an example.