Update the gradle wrapper version to 8.4 and gradle script dependencies
Update GitHub workflow for Java 11, 17, and 21
Extend documentation
Add supported OS information in the README file #264
Add Java LTS-supported version information in the README file #315
Refactor Settings package
New org.testar.settings package created
Remove old overrideWithUserProperties (Main.class) and move loadTestarSettings (Main.class) to org.testar.settings.Settings class
If AbstractStateAttributes is Empty, inform the user and assign a default one, but do not block TESTAR execution
Other things
Use the custom para bank cookies web page instead of the ou.nl public page. This way, we have more control over simulating a cookies accept-reject blocking panel.
Create Dockerfile.seleniarm file to support docker images in ARM architectures #374
Support Java 21 #373
Extend documentation
Refactor Settings package
package createdOther things
file to support docker images in ARM architectures #374