TEZv / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Update content #2

Closed TEZv closed 1 year ago

TEZv commented 1 year ago

Review and update the content on the homepage to





TEZv commented 1 year ago

Here's I Update the Homepage if needed

TEZv commented 1 year ago
  1. Create a new branch named feature/body (based on develop), push it to origin - git push -u origin feature/body, and use it to edit main content:

    1. Preview index.html in a browser

    2. Create patch/content/primary (based on feature/body) branch.

    3. Add a primary content (e.g. avatar, name, job, contacts, intro, etc.) here. Commit small steps, add meaningful messages.

      • Contact info items example (should be place inside the contact-info__block)
      • Intro block (should be put below the previous container)
    4. Merge branch patch/content/primary into feature/body using pull request.

    5. Switch back to feature/body branch, pull changes using git pull.

    6. Create patch/content/secondary (based on feature/body) branch.

    7. Add a secondary content (e.g. languages, skills, character, etc.). Commit small steps, add meaningful messages.

      • Skills block

      • Experiences block

      • Additional info

      As a preview, it should see something like this:

    8. Merge branch patch/content/secondary into feature/body using pull request.

    9. Switch back to feature/body branch, pull changes using git pull.

    10. Iterate further and fill up the resume with YOUR OWN info - feel free to add new blocks, change structure, styles. Easter eggs are welcome too 😉

    11. Merge feature/body into develop using pull request.

  2. Check if the HTML and CSS are valid. IT may may be used by [HTML validator](https://validator.w3.org/) and [CSS validator](https://stylelint.io/demo) for this.

  3. Open a pull request and merge develop into main.