TF2-Sandbox-Studio / TF2SB

🧰 TF2 Sandbox Core Plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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To-do: Find a way to stop the playerstuck issue #5

Open Danct12 opened 7 years ago

Danct12 commented 7 years ago

Stopping players from stucking players.

By making let you spawn it at a distance of 400 from another player to the prop.

BattlefieldDuck commented 6 years ago
stock bool IsBuildable(int client) //Is the place that client pointing is build-able?
    float flSightEnd[3];
    GetClientSightEnd(client, flSightEnd); //get client pointed place

    for(int i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) //loop every client
            float flOrigin[3];
            GetClientEyePosition(i, flOrigin);

            int iDistance = RoundFloat(GetVectorDistance(flOrigin, flSightEnd)); //get distance between clients and the client pointed place
            if(iDistance > 400)
                return false;
    return true;
stock bool IsValidClient(int client) 
    if(client <= 0 ) return false; 
    if(client > MaxClients) return false; 
    if(!IsClientConnected(client)) return false; 
    return IsClientInGame(client); 
void GetClientSightEnd(int client, float out[3])
    float m_fEyes[3];
    float m_fAngles[3];

    GetClientEyePosition(client, m_fEyes);
    GetClientEyeAngles(client, m_fAngles);
    TR_TraceRayFilter(m_fEyes, m_fAngles, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, RayType_Infinite, TraceRayDontHitPlayers);
    if (TR_DidHit())
public bool TraceRayDontHitPlayers(int entity, int mask, any data)
    if (0 < entity <= MaxClients)
        return false;

    return true;
Danct12 commented 6 years ago

Thank you, I'll be merging this to the next update.

Danct12 commented 6 years ago


No, I mean to do this.

DJPlaya commented 6 years ago

You should include this, the Code is pretty good >