java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: MALFORMED at at at$900( at$ at$ZipEntryIterator.nextElement( at$ZipEntryIterator.nextElement(
Commons Compress calls all formats that compress a single stream of data compressor formats while all formats that collect multiple entries inside a single (potentially compressed) archive are archiver formats.
The compressor formats supported are gzip, bzip2, xz, lzma, Pack200, DEFLATE, Brotli, DEFLATE64, ZStandard and Z, the archiver formats are 7z, ar, arj, cpio, dump, tar and zip. Pack200 is a special case as it can only compress JAR files.
We currently only provide read support for arj, dump, Brotli, DEFLATE64 and Z. arj can only read uncompressed archives, 7z can read archives with many compression and encryption algorithms supported by 7z but doesn't support encryption when writing archives.
今天上线商品批量上架功能(文件上传,包括Excel 和 zip格式文件), 让我帮忙看看怎么回事。
先看看线上日志有没有什么错误,果不其然, 后台果然报错了:
首先Google了下这个异常的原因, 都说是因为编码的问题, 要求将UTF-8改成GBK就可以了。
我将线上的zip文件解压后, 在自己电脑重新打个包(我用的Mac自带的压缩功能), 然后又运行了上述代码, 竟然解压成功了。 这是为什么? 于是上网上找了一下, 最终找到了答案:
最后去问了上传的同事, 他是在Windows下用的winRar 压缩/解压缩的(看来不同的解压工具还不同)。
看到这里基本上问题就要解决了, 于是乎想到了ASF(做java的应该都晓得ASF吧),Google一下 Apache zip 第一个出现的就是Apache commons-compress,瞬间看到希望了。
Apache commons-compress 官网介绍如下: