TFlippy / kag_territorycontrol

King Arthur's Gold - Territory Control Mod
19 stars 26 forks source link

TC Development Team - Vote Results #268

Closed TC-DarkSlayer closed 2 years ago

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

The Votes has spoken Induction Furnace - Yield Change : the 4x Ingot Yield Winning by a huge landslide 4x : 2x : 3x 13 : 2 : 1 Decision: 4x Ingot Yield for Induction Furnace

Auto Forge - Yield Change : the 2x Ingot Yield Winning by a huge landslide 2x : 1x : 1.5x 10 : 2 : 1 Decision: 2x Ingot Yield for Auto Forge

Induction Furnace - Coal Cost: Remove Coal barely won, Remove Coal vs Keep Current Cost 8 : 6 Decision: Change Coal Ratio to 1:1:2:4 (Proposed by Me, DarkSlayer) Requires Further Discussion

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

Nah go back to the classic, 0:0:3:4