TFlippy / kag_territorycontrol

King Arthur's Gold - Territory Control Mod
19 stars 26 forks source link

Dark guns #282

Closed TC-DarkSlayer closed 2 years ago

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago
xcs011 commented 2 years ago

do it the normal way 5head instead of fleshhit just change gun damages as needed not poopoo work around that save time now but make more work in the future

Vam-Jam commented 2 years ago

fix errors that came with the new kag update (some errors when running tc) and ill merge

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

do it the normal way 5head instead of fleshhit just change gun damages as needed not poopoo work around that save time now but make more work in the future

was just buffing armor in general

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

ok I see, ballista and vehicle shop is bugged time to fix ;-;

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

do it the normal way 5head instead of fleshhit just change gun damages as needed not poopoo work around that save time now but make more work in the future

was just buffing armor in general

except that also buffs unarmored, if you are just buffing armor there are less shit ways

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

do it the normal way 5head instead of fleshhit just change gun damages as needed not poopoo work around that save time now but make more work in the future

was just buffing armor in general

except that also buffs unarmored, if you are just buffing armor there are less shit ways

Does not, I buffed the armor, it's just that armorcode is inside thanks to goldenguy Also was thinking of making armor something that actually absorbs the damage Only thing I changed in that affects both unarmored and armored is fire damage, doesn't nerf scorching flames, but it reduces how lethal accidentally touching a single flame particle

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

anyways I fixed the kag update error stuffs i hope you vamist will do the food update first tho, it fixes a lot of lag from scrubs

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

do it the normal way 5head instead of fleshhit just change gun damages as needed not poopoo work around that save time now but make more work in the future

was just buffing armor in general

except that also buffs unarmored, if you are just buffing armor there are less shit ways

Does not, I buffed the armor, it's just that armorcode is inside thanks to goldenguy Also was thinking of making armor something that actually absorbs the damage Only thing I changed in that affects both unarmored and armored is fire damage, doesn't nerf scorching flames, but it reduces how lethal accidentally touching a single flame particle

id suggest not a hard absorb, but absorbs a portion (decreases damage taken) until it breaks

also write better commit descriptions then, it seemed at first like you literally just made all flesh take 20% less damage 5head

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

also unless I missed some massive shartery, nobody actually touched upf weapons fire rates purposefully, either its a relic of the gun update, or kag update shartery, but find out what is actually causing them to be aids before you just straight nerf them, fix it the right way, dont just slap more shitcode on top

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

also rather than nerfing flame damage, make it burn out quicker instead, that way if you touch a single flame you dont burn to death after it stays for 8 seconds, nerfing its damage is dumb. It would be better at keeping you from burning to death after grazing a meteor, it would also serve to decrease the retarded flame flinch anim, rather than just make it damage you less

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

I tested PDW and it works good now, before it was actually op laika you and I know fire damage is actually cancer everyone in TC knows this

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

I tested PDW and it works good now, before it was actually op laika you and I know fire damage is actually cancer everyone in TC knows this

Literally no, it's entirely burn time and the on fire anim

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

It would be fine if it didn't give you that retarded on fire animation, and took half as long to burn out

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

You think fire isn't op and that it's the burn time that's op?

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

You think fire isn't op and that it's the burn time that's op?

Can you read or nah, also what happened to voting on things 🤔

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

Fire animation I know you're talking about how long someone burns I think it'd be better for the burn time to scale based on how long they've stayed in the fire but then again, fire kills them instantaneously

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

I also can't believe we went full circle all the way back to being buttmad about oil throwers and trying to nerf them again, kinda funny

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

oh it was just that scorcher literally shreds I saw hoob got destroyed in 5 seconds

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

For oil throwers literally that's a waste of precious oil

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

How much did you decrease flame damage anyway

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

4.0 to 2.5

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

2.75 take it or leave it

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

This is definetly also not because I was working on incendiary mortar shells prior to this pr :trollface:

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

internet got killed anyways ye suyre was thinking of 3.0 but ill take 2.75 :p

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

Also considering my last gift to the tc community being an arty update with the incin shells, will most likely add loading gas cans :trollface:

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

pog mustard gas bomb shell cannon

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

pog mustard gas bomb shell cannon

Nah incin and the gas cans are separate, and think bigger bro, pax artillery

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

laika, were gauss rifles to use steel ingots once again due to it being like the TC community's long lost funny feature, what damage should it do

TC-DarkSlayer commented 2 years ago

pog mustard gas bomb shell cannon

Nah incin and the gas cans are separate, and think bigger bro, pax artillery

rippio artillery

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

Sorry @TC-DarkSlayer what was your question I can't hear you as this isn't discord where you very rudely blocked me