TFlippy / kag_territorycontrol

King Arthur's Gold - Territory Control Mod
19 stars 26 forks source link

Actually based suggestions #341

Open xcs011 opened 2 years ago

xcs011 commented 2 years ago

not to be confused with #340, he lied, they arent based

1) remove drugs

why do they even still exist, an engineer high on bobomax, stims, domino, and foof flying into my base to shatter my skull and vanish into the great beyond is not good gameplay whatsoever

2) make neutrals too canonically retarded to use vehicles

neutrals would be perfectly fine with their current ability to bomb anything into the stone age if they had less mobility, and actually had to walk places, it wouldnt even require further neutral nerfs, or slavery

17Misery commented 2 years ago
  1. ✔ Yeah, the only thing they cause are issues
  2. ❌ bad idea, just get good you factionlet
xcs011 commented 2 years ago
  1. ✅ I agree with your agree
  2. ❌ maybe you should get good and realize neutrals aren't supposed to be equal
17Misery commented 2 years ago
  1. Nice
  2. cope + ratio + they are not equal, they don't get free HP, free healing, free money, they can't capture buildings + they are supposed to be a threat + go play Dark's CTF lol + L
xcs011 commented 2 years ago
  1. Nice
  2. Yeah a threat if you are afk lol
  3. Ratio + boxed like a fish + fatherless + L + cope + seethe + mald + dilate