The K-mer Analysis Toolkit (KAT) contains a number of tools that analyse and compare K-mer spectra.
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Kat comp x-axis #139

Closed vmixao closed 4 years ago

vmixao commented 4 years ago


I have installed kat v2.4.1 with bioconda, and for some of the read libraries (not all), the kat comp output cuts the x-axis of the plot. I am attaching one of those situations, as an example. Other people from the lab, using kat v2.3.1 manage to get a proper plot, with the full x-axis. Can you please help solving this issue? Is there a way to define the x-axis?

Thanks in advance!

kat-comp-main mx spectra-cn

jonwright99 commented 4 years ago

You should be able to replot with an extended x axis using the maxtrix file (.mx) generated from your first plot like so;

kat plot spectra-cn -x 200 -o <output_file> <matrix_file>

Try kat plot spectra-cn --help for other options

vmixao commented 4 years ago

Thanks! It works.

Best Verónica