The K-mer Analysis Toolkit (KAT) contains a number of tools that analyse and compare K-mer spectra.
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Signal 11 error at the end of kat gcp command #142

Open shannonekj opened 4 years ago

shannonekj commented 4 years ago

I am running kat gcp using Snakemake on a cluster and have run into a problem upon what seems to be the completion of the kat gcp command.

I am running:

rule kat_rawRead_gcp:
        rep_dir = rep_dir,
        kmer = expand('{kmer}', kmer=KMER),
        start = rep_dir + 'kat_' + prefix + '_k{kmer}_katGCP_raw_reads'
        R1 = flt_dir + 'filtered_' + prefix + '_R1_001.fastq.gz',
        R2 = flt_dir + 'filtered_' + prefix + '_R2_001.fastq.gz'
        rep_dir + 'kat_' + prefix + '_k{kmer}',
        rep_dir + 'kat_' + prefix + '_k{kmer}',
        rep_dir + 'kat_' + prefix + '_k{kmer}_katGCP_raw_reads.dist_analysis.json'
    conda: 'envs/kat.yml'
    threads: workflow.cores * 1
    shell: '''
        kat gcp \
        -o {params.start} \
        -m {wildcards.kmer} \
        -t {threads} \
        {input.R1} {input.R2}
        echo Completed kat gcp for kmer size: {wildcards.kmer}

When I look at my stdout file it appears as if everything has run normally and a tail of the file produces:

(base) sejoslin@farm:assembly_genome_Hypomesus-transpacificus$ tail slurm/DS_assembly.j20349396.out
Creating plots

Plotting K-mer frequency distributions ... done.  Saved to: None
Plotting GC distributions ... done. Saved to: None

KAT GCP completed.
Total runtime: 5665.6s

It seems like the computation freezes at this step and when I look at the stderr file I see the following:

Activating conda environment: /home/sejoslin/git_repos/assembly_genome_Hypomesus-transpacificus/.snakemake/conda/d80d223b
Error: signal 11:
Stack trace:

I am using kat V2.4.2 installed through conda.

shannonekj commented 4 years ago

Could this be an issue with dependencies when installing from conda?

cement-head commented 4 years ago

Got same error (installed from conda/bioconda)

$ kat -hist 

(KAT does it's thing, and finishes, but barfs before it writes the output) 

Bining kmers ...Error: signal 11:
Stack trace:
shannonekj commented 4 years ago

@cement-head I installed an earlier version of kat (v2.4.1) and it didn't produce the error. Not sure what is up with v2.4.2.

Hope this helps!

AlcaArctica commented 11 months ago

Same problem here. Also with kat hist. I am using version 2.4.2.