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cultivar names_addOrigin #449

Open teatree1212 opened 8 years ago

teatree1212 commented 8 years ago

Some of these names in #448 and in future submissions are just a number+letter combination. It should generally be compulsory to add their origin during submission, so that the names can be traced back to the breeder/Institute/seedbank.

Nuanda commented 8 years ago

If you (also) mean Plant lines, not just Plant varieties (speaking in CS "lingua"), there the the following PlantLine model columns in the current schema, which are not used in the Plant Population submission process step 3 right now:

Could these two columns be used for what you call "origin"? Current values from BIP include:

 [named_by_whom, organisation]

 [nil, nil],
 [nil, "whri"],
 ["David Ockendon", nil],
 [nil, "John Innes Centre"],
 ["Elaine Howell, Rachel Sebastian", "University of Birmingham"],
 ["Elaine Howell, Rachel Sebastian", ""],
 ["European Brassica Database (EBD)", "CGN"],
 [nil, "WHRI"],
 [nil, "CPB Twyfords, UK"],
 [nil, "JIC, UK"],
 [nil, "INRA, Rennes, FRA"],
 [nil, "Madison, Wisconsin, USA"],
 [nil, "Huazhong Agricultural University, China"],
 [nil, "NLDCGN"],
 [nil, "Agricultural University of Norway, NOR"],
 [nil, "University of Western Australia, AUS"],
 [nil, "RICP"],
 [nil, "DEUIPK"],
 [nil, "DEUBGRC"],
 [nil, "BAZ"],
 [nil, "REGNGB"],
 [nil, "HRIGRU"],
 [nil, "Anioleka Seeds Company, UK"],
 [nil, "GRIN/NPGS"],
 [nil, "POLIHAR"],
 [nil, "Wild Garden Seeds, USA"],
 [nil, "Crucifer Genetics Cooperative, Wisconsin, USA"],
 [nil, "CNU"],
 ["Paul Williams", nil],
 ["Regine Delourme", "INRAR"],
 [nil, "NIAB, National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology"],
 ["isobel.parkin", "AAFC"],
 ["Prof Jinling Meng", "Huazhong Argricultural University"],
 ["Peter Werner", "CPBT"]

BTW nil means null (in Ruby). If needed, we can add them to the new Plant line form, and we can require these fields to be provided by the user. In API one can already assign values to these columns, though we do not require it at the moment (although we can, if that is what is needed).