TGMPA / TGM-Plugin-Activation

TGM Plugin Activation is a PHP library that allows you to easily require or recommend plugins for your WordPress themes (and plugins). It allows your users to install, update and even automatically activate plugins in singular or bulk fashion using native WordPress classes, functions and interfaces. You can reference bundled plugins, plugins from the WordPress Plugin Repository or even plugins hosted elsewhere on the internet.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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WP 5.0 compatibility; changed skin_update_successful i18n string #765

Closed mweichert closed 4 years ago

mweichert commented 5 years ago

WP 5.0 compatibility; changed skin_update_successful i18n string.

Fixes: Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /wp-admin/includes/class-bulk-upgrader-skin.php on line 150

jrfnl commented 5 years ago

@mweichert Thank you for your willingness to contribute.

The issue you are trying to fix here, has already been fixed in the develop branch via PR #670. Could you test that branch to see if that solves it sufficiently for you ?

MrShabir commented 5 years ago

Edit your file and come to line number 3599 Here you will see code like this. $this->upgrader->strings['skin_update_successful'] = __( '%1$s installed and activated successfully.', 'tgmpa' ) . ' <a href="#" class="hide-if-no-js" onclick="%2$s"><span>' . esc_html__( 'Show Details', 'tgmpa' ) . '</span><span class="hidden">' . esc_html__( 'Hide Details', 'tgmpa' ) . '</span>.</a>';

From this link remove onclick="%2$s" and the come to line number 3608 and remove one click from here. Its just hack, Author will provide solution for this. Thanks