TGMPA / TGM-Plugin-Activation

TGM Plugin Activation is a PHP library that allows you to easily require or recommend plugins for your WordPress themes (and plugins). It allows your users to install, update and even automatically activate plugins in singular or bulk fashion using native WordPress classes, functions and interfaces. You can reference bundled plugins, plugins from the WordPress Plugin Repository or even plugins hosted elsewhere on the internet.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Unable to update ACF pre-packaged plugin #778

Open jonpontet opened 5 years ago

jonpontet commented 5 years ago


I believe I am following the right approach here, but please let me know if I am not.

ACF PRO is a required plugin for my plugin which uses TGMPA. I have overwritten version 5.7.12 ZIP (/lib/plugins/ with version 5.8- I am just doing this on a local test environment for now.

Going to the plugins admin page, I have the message as expected: "The following plugin needs to be updated to its latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: Advanced Custom Fields PRO. Begin updating plugin"

I press "Begin updating". I see the "Install Required Plugins" page, and press "Update" for ACF.

But then on the "Updating Plugin: Advanced Custom Fields PRO" page I have the message "Update package not available." it doesn't work!

Any ideas?

DeoThemes commented 2 years ago

Same here, did you manage to resolve it?

CreativeDive commented 2 years ago

You can include ACF directly inside your plugin or theme.

After this you can update your an additional plugin, which includes ACF in the upper described way.

bilalmalkoc commented 2 years ago

Including ACF is not a good way. I got same problem. Can you fix that?

colabrio commented 1 year ago

Have the same problem with updating ACF Pro: "Update package not available."