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Requirement User Story 1 - Login Requirements #1

Open TGavan opened 11 months ago

TGavan commented 11 months ago

A user story for logging in with valid credentials typically follows the standard format of a user story in Agile development, which includes:

Title: Log In with Valid Credentials

As a [type of user, e.g., "registered user" or "employee"]

I want to [perform an action, e.g., "log in with valid credentials"]

So that [achieve a goal, e.g., "access my account and use the application"]

Acceptance Criteria:

Given a web or mobile application with a login screen.

When I enter my valid username and password.

Then I should be able to log in successfully and be redirected to the appropriate page or dashboard.

And I should see a confirmation or success message indicating that I've logged in.

And I should have access to the features and functionality of the application available to a logged-in user.

And if I enter invalid credentials, I should not be able to log in, and I should see an appropriate error message.

And if I forget my password, there should be a "Forgot Password" link or feature that allows me to reset my password.

And there should be an option to log out when I'm done using the application.

Definition of Done:

The login functionality has been tested and confirmed to work with valid credentials.

The appropriate error messages or feedback are displayed when invalid credentials are provided.

The "Forgot Password" feature allows users to reset their password.

Logging out functionality is available and tested.

The user's session and data security are ensured during the login process.

This user story can be used as a starting point for development, and the development team can break it down into tasks, estimate the effort required, and track progress during the development process.

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TGavan commented 11 months ago

A user story for logging in with valid credentials typically follows the standard format of a user story in Agile development, which includes:

Title: Log In with Valid Credentials

As a [type of user, e.g., "registered user" or "employee"]

I want to [perform an action, e.g., "log in with valid credentials"]

So that [achieve a goal, e.g., "access my account and use the application"]

Acceptance Criteria:

Given a web or mobile application with a login screen.

When I enter my valid username and password.

Then I should be able to log in successfully and be redirected to the appropriate page or dashboard.

And I should see a confirmation or success message indicating that I've logged in.

And I should have access to the features and functionality of the application available to a logged-in user.

And if I enter invalid credentials, I should not be able to log in, and I should see an appropriate error message.

And if I forget my password, there should be a "Forgot Password" link or feature that allows me to reset my password.

And there should be an option to log out when I'm done using the application.

Definition of Done:

The login functionality has been tested and confirmed to work with valid credentials.

The appropriate error messages or feedback are displayed when invalid credentials are provided.

The "Forgot Password" feature allows users to reset their password.

Logging out functionality is available and tested.

The user's session and data security are ensured during the login process.

This user story can be used as a starting point for development, and the development team can break it down into tasks, estimate the effort required, and track progress during the development process.

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