TGit-Tech / GRBL-28byj-48

Grbl ver 1.1f.20170131 with XYZ Unipolar Stepper Support (28byj-48)
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Laser Mode #2

Open kopugara opened 4 years ago

kopugara commented 4 years ago

Is the Laser Mode operational in this grbl version?

TGit-Tech commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure; It's an exact copy of grbl with minor tweaks to the motor signals. I believe the version can be found in the source code (don't know it off hand).

kopugara commented 4 years ago

The thing is that when I send $$ command I get the parameter $32 (responsible for laser mode) in the list, so the version of gbrl is 1.1 (as I know laser mode implemented in this version first).

But when I try to enable laser mode (i.e. send $32=1) I encounter with an error message "Homing cycle failure. Homing is not enabled via settings", and the parameter $32 remains the same.

kopugara commented 4 years ago

The problem with $32=1 has been solved by uncommenting the "VARIABLE_SPINDLE" parameter in config.h. Looks like now the firmware goes into laser mode.

But a new problem appeared: the laser does not turn on (the laser itself is alive because it works directly from a power supply).

My idea is that something wrong with pwm. I do not have an oscilloscope but when I connect a LED between D11 and GND, it does not light up when LaserGRBL runs with S255 command. But when I flash Arduino board with a simplest pwm example, demonstrating analogWrite(), the LED lights up and down smoothly...

TGit-Tech commented 3 years ago

I've added a folder that tevosyants made changes to in order to activate by pin 12 but it uses grbl 0.8 as I understand it. Also the digital pins 10 and 11 are used for the motor instead of skipped over. I haven't had time to test it or know the details of it; but if you'd like to give it try that'd be great.