What is the suggestion adding tracer mechanics to ESP (not blockESP)
Why would this feature be useful in mineshaft exploring we can use a combo of ESP (with the proposed tracer mechanincs), BlockESP (on spawners [optional]) and ocasionally freecam to gather all resources in under 30 mins (less if spawners are not seek).
Final checklist: tracer mechanics in regular ESP
[x] I know how to properly use check boxes
[x] This is not a suggestion for baritone or other mod
Minecraft Version(s) 1.16.4/1.16.5
What is the suggestion adding tracer mechanics to ESP (not blockESP)
Why would this feature be useful in mineshaft exploring we can use a combo of ESP (with the proposed tracer mechanincs), BlockESP (on spawners [optional]) and ocasionally freecam to gather all resources in under 30 mins (less if spawners are not seek).
Final checklist: tracer mechanics in regular ESP