Inertia Utility Mod version: Inertia Client 3.1.3 - 1.16.5
Minecraft version: 1.16.5
Operating system: Fabric Loader 1.16.5 - Version 1.12.5
Optifine/Other mods: None
Launcher: The first Minecraft Launcher? The one before Microsoft.
What's the bug: Game crashes while launching.
Crash-report(if applicable)(located in .minecraft/latest.log): vvv I have a picture vvv
Final checklist:
[x] I know how to properly use check boxes.
[x] I have tried to reproduce this bug after removing all other mods, including Optifine or Sodium.
[x] I have attemped to reproduce this bug using the latest available release of Inertia.
Inertia Utility Mod version: Inertia Client 3.1.3 - 1.16.5 Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Operating system: Fabric Loader 1.16.5 - Version 1.12.5 Optifine/Other mods: None Launcher: The first Minecraft Launcher? The one before Microsoft.
What's the bug: Game crashes while launching.
Crash-report(if applicable)(located in .minecraft/latest.log): vvv I have a picture vvv
Final checklist: