THEREALWWEFAN231 / Inertia-Issues

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[shitpost] add more toggles #1300

Open Realswitzer opened 2 years ago

Realswitzer commented 2 years ago

Minecraft Version(s) all What is the suggestion add toggles like autogroom, consentbypass, etc Why would this feature be useful it would confuse people, also maybe if turned on it sends their ip and hwid to local authorities Final checklist:

feliscatusmeows commented 2 years ago

where noJail and antiFBI smh

Realswitzer commented 2 years ago

oh right forgot to explicitly state those instead of just lumping it in with the “etc”

Realswitzer commented 2 years ago

fixed title to appear smarter :)

feliscatusmeows commented 2 years ago

you stated the opposite where it would sent you to jail and fbi instead of nojail and antifbi

Realswitzer commented 2 years ago

exactly, gotta think like the glowies and make users think it won’t send them to jail

Realswitzer commented 2 years ago

bump, wheres the autogroom @weecan