THEREALWWEFAN231 / Inertia-Issues

This is used for reporting bugs and or requesting features for the minecraft Utility Mod Inertia
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Spelling/Grammar Errors #583

Open TheRedHippo opened 3 years ago

TheRedHippo commented 3 years ago

Inertia Utility Mod version: 3.1 Minecraft version: 1.16.1 Operating system: Windows 10 Optifine/Other mods: irrelevant

What's the issue: There are numerous grammar and spelling mistakes on the website and inside the utility mod. I've listed below all that I could find, if you find any more then please comment it below or submit another report.

Website FAQ:

main: "use your broswers search function to search for speific thing" keybinds: "How can I get a list of all keybinds," comma instead of question mark Nothing On Screen: "on your screen, try typing, .toggle hud, in chat, or enable it..." unnecessary comma before .toggle bottom of faq: "Paralusion#8019 all rights to completely yell at you, & he will and wont hold back." incorrect tag for paralusion, might as well remove the tag. also the & shouldn't be there.


Default Auto Sign: "I use Inerita" Auto Log > Crystal: "Log out from a end crystal" should be an end crystal Chat Bot > Spammer: this might be intended, but one of the messages is "Default Message" which seems really out of place Combat Info > Ignore Friends: "Doesnt render friended players" should be doesn't with apostrophe. you did this in numerous places so I'll just assume you did it on purpose. Chat Filter: "Removes certain pharses" Chest Stealer > Delay: "Delay from the items beening taken" Discord RPC: "Shows your playing Inertia utility mod on discord" should be you, might wanna capitalise Utility Mod too Fast Place > Only XP Bottels: its spelt bottle. Tunneller > Bypass: "Trys to bypass the servers anticheat" it should be tries Anti Void > Send Packet: "Sends a extra position packet" should be send an extra packet Parkour Helper: "Automatically jumps on when your on the edge" unnecessary on there Block ESP: "Draws a esp to set blocks" should be an ESP > Any > Box Outline: "Renders a outline" should be renders an outline. i beg please learn how to use 'an' No Render > Portal Overlay: "Doesnt render the nether portal affect" should be effect Auto Fish > Automatic Reel: "...your fishing rod if you dident cast it" Entity Ride > Ride Without Saddle: not a mistake but might wanna add striders to the list Infinite Chat Length: "Allows you to scroll infinitly in chat" it should be infinitely Ping Spoof > Delay: "Delay before the responce packet is sent" should be response Stronghold Finder & Subsettings: uses "strong hold" instead of the preferred "stronghold" Teleport Finder: "...the coords of some one who has teleported" would be better to have someone Toxic: "Use flint and steal or a..." should be steel Auto Farm > Delay: "Delay before the next block is placed/broke" should be broken Nuker > Backwards: "How many blocks to the backawards to target" im fucking dying what is this shit BACK AWARDS

this took a sad amount of time to make.

Fragaile commented 3 years ago

Bruh give this man a break :D

TheRedHippo commented 3 years ago

Bruh give this man a break :D

im just tryna help inertia be the best it can be

feliscatusmeows commented 3 years ago

:taco_with_tnt_duping_cannon: wwefan fix it or else i use this on your enderchest.

feliscatusmeows commented 3 years ago

github censorship :rage:

feliscatusmeows commented 3 years ago

ok is sensorchip over?