THEWHITEBOY503 / ConnMudaeClone

This bot is an open-source Discord card game, similar to Mudae. It allows you to draw a card every X hours (default 6), and even trade cards with your friends.
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link

(me organizing my thoughts and reposting lol) card add/remove #5

Closed MRSKnshnn closed 1 year ago

MRSKnshnn commented 1 year ago

for the commands to add and remove cards from the general database, 4 values would be needed. a command for it would look something possibly like this: !cardadd <name> <ID> <rarity value> <image>, in use: !cardadd [Insert Name (and other naming convention stuff)] ID101 1 unsure if the names having spaces would cause issues. i figure there's ways with discord app commands to put spaces into different value slots in the command. not sure what exactly to call it, but i've seen it with a few bots and wonder if that's still doable. ids would not have spaces though, figures it's a lot more convenient to code that way as for the image url, i wonder if it would be more convenient to do what mudae does and grab the image from an imgur link or use a discord media link instead. whichever works best and doesn't cause too much trouble, though

THEWHITEBOY503 commented 1 year ago

added !add_card current syntax is !add_card "<Card name>" <ID> "<Image Link>" "<Color code in 0xFFFFFF format>" <rarity>

THEWHITEBOY503 commented 1 year ago

added !remove card <ID>