THU-MIG / yolov10

YOLOv10: Real-Time End-to-End Object Detection
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Detecting smaller objects or objects in the distance #136

Open jameslahm opened 3 months ago

jameslahm commented 3 months ago

Due to that YOLOv10 adopts the different training strategy with others, e.g. YOLOv8, it may thus have different favorable confidence threshold to detect objects. Besides, different thresholds will have no impact on the inference latency of YOLOv10 because it does not rely on NMS. Therefore, we suggest that a smaller threshold can be freely set or tuned for YOLOv10 to detect smaller objects or objects in the distance. For example,

yolo export format=onnx opset=13 simplify half=True device=0
# Here, we could use a smaller threshold of 0.05 rather than the default threshold of 0.25 to detect smaller objects 
# or objects in the distance.
yolo predict model=yolov10m.onnx source=people-walking.png half conf=0.05

Thank you all! ❤️

Sompote commented 3 months ago

Thank you! Your assistance has been instrumental in boosting both the F1-score and the mean Average Precision (mAP) of our trained model.

usadiqgriffin commented 3 months ago

What is the F1-score and mAP of the model after setting threshold as described above? @jameslahm @Sompote Also, can we modify NMS to dynamically change threshold so that it uses a lower confidence threshold for smaller objects?

limem11 commented 3 months ago

How to lower confidence level during training for fair mAP comparison between YOLOv10 and other models on datasets with smaller bounding boxes?

lmx-2021 commented 3 months ago

how to solve the problem of Misidentification by lowering the threshold?

Ilyabasharov commented 1 month ago

@jameslahm do you plan to implement yolov10-p2 version ?

icaroryan commented 2 weeks ago


christospelekis commented 1 week ago


Smalltiger729 commented 1 week ago

but i think, the person on the top left is not a small object, and it is obvious instead, why confidence is so low? the model doesn't converge well?