THUDM / CogVideo

Text-to-video generation: CogVideoX (2024) and CogVideo (ICLR 2023)
Apache License 2.0
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为什么lora微调后进行推理,会出现这种结果 #113

Open SCHfighting opened 1 month ago

SCHfighting commented 1 month ago

System Info / 系統信息


prompt是:In the video, we see a monkey sitting on a rock by a pond. The monkey is seen in various states of repose, with its reflection visible in the water. The scene is serene and peaceful, with the monkey's fur and the surrounding foliage adding to the tranquility. The lighting is soft, and the colors are muted, creating a calm atmosphere. The monkey appears to be in a natural habitat, possibly a park or wildlife sanctuary, and the setting suggests a quiet moment in the life of this animal.

Information / 问题信息

Reproduction / 复现过程


Expected behavior / 期待表现


tengjiayan20 commented 1 month ago

You need to modify the inference config: keep the network_config the same as sft config, i.e. add lora_config to the inference config. To avoid misunderstanding, we will update a new inference config for lora inference soon. WX20240812-140332

SCHfighting commented 1 month ago

ok,thank you!

cly2625 commented 4 weeks ago

Snipaste_2024-08-15_11-19-45 我加上参数了,但是出现了这种情况

stf.yaml: args: checkpoint_activations: True ## using gradient checkpointing model_parallel_size: 1 experiment_name: lora-disney mode: finetune load: "CogVideoX-2b-sat/transformer" no_load_rng: True train_iters: 200 eval_iters: 1 eval_interval: 100 eval_batch_size: 1 save: ckpts save_interval: 100 log_interval: 20 train_data: ["/data01/cly/dataset/sat_cogvideox_cly/selected_100"] valid_data: ["/data01/cly/dataset/sat_cogvideox_cly/selected_100"] split: 1,0,0 num_workers: 8 force_train: True only_log_video_latents: True

data: target: data_video.SFTDataset params: video_size: [480, 720] fps: 8 max_num_frames: 49 skip_frms_num: 3.

deepspeed: train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu: 1 gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 steps_per_print: 50 gradient_clipping: 0.1 zero_optimization: stage: 2 cpu_offload: false contiguous_gradients: false overlap_comm: true reduce_scatter: true reduce_bucket_size: 1000000000 allgather_bucket_size: 1000000000 load_from_fp32_weights: false zero_allow_untested_optimizer: true bf16: enabled: False fp16: enabled: True loss_scale: 0 loss_scale_window: 400 hysteresis: 2 min_loss_scale: 1 optimizer: type: sat.ops.FusedEmaAdam params: lr: 0.0002 betas: [0.9, 0.95] eps: 1e-8 weight_decay: 1e-4 activation_checkpointing: partition_activations: false contiguous_memory_optimization: false wall_clock_breakdown: false

model: scale_factor: 1.15258426 disable_first_stage_autocast: true not_trainable_prefixes: ['all'] ## Using Lora log_keys:

infer.yaml: args: latent_channels: 16 mode: inference load: "/data01/cly/project/CogVideo/sat/ckpts/lora-disney-08-15-10-45" batch_size: 1 input_type: txt input_file: configs/test.txt sampling_num_frames: 13 # Must be 13, 11 or 9 sampling_fps: 8 fp16: True output_dir: outputs_lora_04_100/ force_inference: True

model: scale_factor: 1.15258426 disable_first_stage_autocast: true log_keys:

tengjiayan20 commented 4 weeks ago

Have you seen your loss when fine-tuning? May it is Nan?

cly2625 commented 4 weeks ago

Have you seen your loss when fine-tuning? May it is Nan? The loss is acceptable.

The issue is occurring in sat/SwissArmyTransformer/sat/training/ at Line 224: model._save_checkpoint(save_dir, tag, client_state=client_state, exclude_frozen_parameters=True). I added exclude_frozen_parameters=True, but I encountered problems when loading the model for inference. How can I correctly load this part of the model weights?

I followed the modifications suggested in this thread:

tengjiayan20 commented 2 weeks ago

Have you seen your loss when fine-tuning? May it is Nan? The loss is acceptable.

The issue is occurring in sat/SwissArmyTransformer/sat/training/ at Line 224: model._save_checkpoint(save_dir, tag, client_state=client_state, exclude_frozen_parameters=True). I added exclude_frozen_parameters=True, but I encountered problems when loading the model for inference. How can I correctly load this part of the model weights?

I followed the modifications suggested in this thread: #126 (comment).

We do not suggest adding exclude_frozen_parameters=True, unless you know how to recover the entire model weight. The recover method we will update in the future.

octopusszzy commented 2 weeks ago

Snipaste_2024-08-15_11-19-45 我加上参数了,但是出现了这种情况

stf.yaml: args: checkpoint_activations: True ## using gradient checkpointing model_parallel_size: 1 experiment_name: lora-disney mode: finetune load: "CogVideoX-2b-sat/transformer" no_load_rng: True train_iters: 200 eval_iters: 1 eval_interval: 100 eval_batch_size: 1 save: ckpts save_interval: 100 log_interval: 20 train_data: ["/data01/cly/dataset/sat_cogvideox_cly/selected_100"] valid_data: ["/data01/cly/dataset/sat_cogvideox_cly/selected_100"] split: 1,0,0 num_workers: 8 force_train: True only_log_video_latents: True

data: target: data_video.SFTDataset params: video_size: [480, 720] fps: 8 max_num_frames: 49 skip_frms_num: 3.

deepspeed: train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu: 1 gradient_accumulation_steps: 1 steps_per_print: 50 gradient_clipping: 0.1 zero_optimization: stage: 2 cpu_offload: false contiguous_gradients: false overlap_comm: true reduce_scatter: true reduce_bucket_size: 1000000000 allgather_bucket_size: 1000000000 load_from_fp32_weights: false zero_allow_untested_optimizer: true bf16: enabled: False fp16: enabled: True loss_scale: 0 loss_scale_window: 400 hysteresis: 2 min_loss_scale: 1 optimizer: type: sat.ops.FusedEmaAdam params: lr: 0.0002 betas: [0.9, 0.95] eps: 1e-8 weight_decay: 1e-4 activation_checkpointing: partition_activations: false contiguous_memory_optimization: false wall_clock_breakdown: false

model: scale_factor: 1.15258426 disable_first_stage_autocast: true not_trainable_prefixes: ['all'] ## Using Lora log_keys: - txt

denoiser_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.denoiser.DiscreteDenoiser params: num_idx: 1000 quantize_c_noise: False

    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.denoiser_weighting.EpsWeighting
    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.denoiser_scaling.VideoScaling
    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.discretizer.ZeroSNRDDPMDiscretization
      shift_scale: 3.0

network_config: target: dit_video_concat.DiffusionTransformer params: time_embed_dim: 512 elementwise_affine: True num_frames: 49 time_compressed_rate: 4 latent_width: 90 latent_height: 60 num_layers: 30 patch_size: 2 in_channels: 16 out_channels: 16 hidden_size: 1920 adm_in_channels: 256 num_attention_heads: 30

    checkpoint_activations: True ## using gradient checkpointing
    vocab_size: 1
    max_sequence_length: 64
    layernorm_order: pre
    skip_init: false
    model_parallel_size: 1
    is_decoder: false

      target: dit_video_concat.Basic3DPositionEmbeddingMixin
        text_length: 226
        height_interpolation: 1.875
        width_interpolation: 1.875

    lora_config: ## Using Lora
      target: sat.model.finetune.lora2.LoraMixin
        r: 128

      target: dit_video_concat.ImagePatchEmbeddingMixin
        text_hidden_size: 4096

      target: dit_video_concat.AdaLNMixin
        qk_ln: True

      target: dit_video_concat.FinalLayerMixin

conditioner_config: target: sgm.modules.GeneralConditioner params: emb_models: - is_trainable: false input_key: txt ucg_rate: 0.1 target: sgm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenT5Embedder params: model_dir: "CogVideoX-2b-sat/t5-v1_1-xxl" max_length: 226

first_stage_config: target: vae_modules.autoencoder.VideoAutoencoderInferenceWrapper params: cp_size: 1 ckpt_path: "CogVideoX-2b-sat/vae/" ignore_keys: [ 'loss' ]

    target: torch.nn.Identity

    target: vae_modules.regularizers.DiagonalGaussianRegularizer

    target: vae_modules.cp_enc_dec.ContextParallelEncoder3D
      double_z: true
      z_channels: 16
      resolution: 256
      in_channels: 3
      out_ch: 3
      ch: 128
      ch_mult: [ 1, 2, 2, 4 ]
      attn_resolutions: [ ]
      num_res_blocks: 3
      dropout: 0.0
      gather_norm: True

    target: vae_modules.cp_enc_dec.ContextParallelDecoder3D
      double_z: True
      z_channels: 16
      resolution: 256
      in_channels: 3
      out_ch: 3
      ch: 128
      ch_mult: [ 1, 2, 2, 4 ]
      attn_resolutions: [ ]
      num_res_blocks: 3
      dropout: 0.0
      gather_norm: false

loss_fn_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.loss.VideoDiffusionLoss params: offset_noise_level: 0 sigma_sampler_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.sigma_sampling.DiscreteSampling params: uniform_sampling: True num_idx: 1000 discretization_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.discretizer.ZeroSNRDDPMDiscretization params: shift_scale: 3.0

sampler_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.sampling.VPSDEDPMPP2MSampler params: num_steps: 50 verbose: True

    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.discretizer.ZeroSNRDDPMDiscretization
      shift_scale: 3.0

    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.guiders.DynamicCFG
      scale: 6
      exp: 5
      num_steps: 50

infer.yaml: args: latent_channels: 16 mode: inference load: "/data01/cly/project/CogVideo/sat/ckpts/lora-disney-08-15-10-45" batch_size: 1 input_type: txt input_file: configs/test.txt sampling_num_frames: 13 # Must be 13, 11 or 9 sampling_fps: 8 fp16: True output_dir: outputs_lora_04_100/ force_inference: True

model: scale_factor: 1.15258426 disable_first_stage_autocast: true log_keys: - txt

denoiser_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.denoiser.DiscreteDenoiser params: num_idx: 1000 quantize_c_noise: False

    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.denoiser_weighting.EpsWeighting
    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.denoiser_scaling.VideoScaling
    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.discretizer.ZeroSNRDDPMDiscretization
      shift_scale: 3.0

network_config: target: dit_video_concat.DiffusionTransformer params: time_embed_dim: 512 elementwise_affine: True num_frames: 49 time_compressed_rate: 4 latent_width: 90 latent_height: 60 num_layers: 30 patch_size: 2 in_channels: 16 out_channels: 16 hidden_size: 1920 adm_in_channels: 256 num_attention_heads: 30

    vocab_size: 1
    max_sequence_length: 64
    layernorm_order: pre
    skip_init: false
    model_parallel_size: 1
    is_decoder: false

      target: dit_video_concat.Basic3DPositionEmbeddingMixin
        text_length: 226
        height_interpolation: 1.875
        width_interpolation: 1.875

    lora_config: ## Using Lora
      target: sat.model.finetune.lora2.LoraMixin
        r: 128

      target: dit_video_concat.ImagePatchEmbeddingMixin
        text_hidden_size: 4096

      target: dit_video_concat.AdaLNMixin
        qk_ln: True

      target: dit_video_concat.FinalLayerMixin

conditioner_config: target: sgm.modules.GeneralConditioner params: emb_models: - is_trainable: false input_key: txt ucg_rate: 0.1 target: sgm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenT5Embedder params: model_dir: "/data01/cly/project/CogVideo/sat/CogVideoX-2b-sat/t5-v1_1-xxl" max_length: 226

first_stage_config: target: vae_modules.autoencoder.VideoAutoencoderInferenceWrapper params: cp_size: 1 ckpt_path: "CogVideoX-2b-sat/vae/" ignore_keys: [ 'loss' ]

    target: torch.nn.Identity

    target: vae_modules.regularizers.DiagonalGaussianRegularizer

    target: vae_modules.cp_enc_dec.ContextParallelEncoder3D
      double_z: true
      z_channels: 16
      resolution: 256
      in_channels: 3
      out_ch: 3
      ch: 128
      ch_mult: [ 1, 2, 2, 4 ]
      attn_resolutions: [ ]
      num_res_blocks: 3
      dropout: 0.0
      gather_norm: True

    target: vae_modules.cp_enc_dec.ContextParallelDecoder3D
      double_z: True
      z_channels: 16
      resolution: 256
      in_channels: 3
      out_ch: 3
      ch: 128
      ch_mult: [ 1, 2, 2, 4 ]
      attn_resolutions: [ ]
      num_res_blocks: 3
      dropout: 0.0
      gather_norm: false

loss_fn_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.loss.VideoDiffusionLoss params: offset_noise_level: 0 sigma_sampler_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.sigma_sampling.DiscreteSampling params: uniform_sampling: True num_idx: 1000 discretization_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.discretizer.ZeroSNRDDPMDiscretization params: shift_scale: 3.0

sampler_config: target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.sampling.VPSDEDPMPP2MSampler params: num_steps: 50 verbose: True

    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.discretizer.ZeroSNRDDPMDiscretization
      shift_scale: 3.0

    target: sgm.modules.diffusionmodules.guiders.DynamicCFG
      scale: 6
      exp: 5
      num_steps: 50

我根据sat lora训练后的结果,自己在diffusers实现了一个CogVideoLoraLoaderMixin,将保存的to_q、to_k、to_v、to_out.0都格式转换后,推理出来也是类似的分布。

glide-the commented 3 days ago

我根据sat lora训练后的结果,自己在diffusers实现了一个CogVideoLoraLoaderMixin,将保存的to_q、to_k、to_v、to_out.0都格式转换后,推理出来也是类似的分布。
